Buildmy - FAQ

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Our platform uses advanced artificial intelligence technology to analyze the text prompt completed by the user and generate a website based on the information provided. The generated website includes design elements, content, and functionality tailored to the user's needs.

Yes, you can customize the generated website to match your branding and preferences. Our platform provides various customization options, including design templates, fonts, colors, and layout.

Our platform can generate various types of websites, including personal websites, business websites, e-commerce websites, portfolio websites, and more. The website generated is based on the text prompt provided by the user.

No, you do not need technical skills to use our platform. Our platform is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for anyone to generate a website.

The time it takes to generate a website depends on the complexity of the text prompt and the customization options selected by the user. However, the website generation process typically takes just a few minutes.

Yes, all websites generated by our platform are mobile-friendly and optimized for various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Yes, you can make changes to the generated website after it's created. Our platform provides a user-friendly editing interface, allowing you to update and modify your website as needed.